OneJax Community Suppers: October 17th, 2023

10/17/2023 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


OneJax Community Suppers are in process for the 2023/2024 year! Please join us for a gathering of community members in discussion and dining!


Reserve your seat NOW at our second OneJax Community Suppers event for the 2023/2024 year, set for Tuesday, October 17, 2023 from 6-8 p.m. at St. John's Cathedral!*

Additional Program Element: New youth component for middle school students (This will be held at the same location, in a youth group room with our seasoned OneYouth team facilitating conversation. More information explained below.)

We want to learn more about the communities we serve and encourage productive discussions about inclusion and diversity. This event in October will be held at the St. John's Cathedral with a buffet dinner and tickets are $20 per person, payable only online with event registration.

We will continue this year's theme of: "Unity in Diversity! Exploring the Common Good Together."

These Community Suppers are designed to encourage meaningful dialogue in our community. Space is limited and attendees must pay for their own meals. Again, tickets are $20 per person and include the buffet dinner and venue services.

Ticket sales end when spots are filled or otherwise on October 12th by close of business.

*For our 2023/2024 Community Suppers, we will have community leader hosts facilitating the conversations at each table, however sign up for these events are not by host, but by event date and location.


Take Note: Do you have a middle school student in your immediate or extended family? We'll be including a OneYouth curriculum component for middle schoolers to attend and participate!

After you have registered yourself, please follow up with an email to sharing your attending student's name, so we know how many middle schoolers to plan for. Students will attend free-of-charge. Thank you!